bette nordberg

Interested in a 20-Minute Speaker?

Sometimes, your event just can't handle a full 40 minutes of guest speaker. You need a short program. A devotional. A focused, interesting, fully-contained short presentation.

In this case, I can often write something to fit your program or theme. Be it a Spring Tea, or a Christmas Desert event, a Leadership meeting, a community meeting, I can design something just for you.

To spark your thoughts, you might want to refer to the one-hour topics for non-writers, found here. Most of these subjects can be condensed to serve a shorter time frame.

But feel free to contact me with questions about the cost of designing a presentation specifically for your group. I'd be happy to see if I can fill your needs.




If you've discovered this web site, chances are you're in the midst of planning a special event. You've got a lot of responsibilities on your plate:

Of course you want everything to go smoothly. You want people to have a good time, to enjoy the event and one another. But more than that, you want your audience to go away changed. You want more than just another gathering, another testimony, another indulgent weekend. If you're being completely honest, you want something supernatural to happen, something bigger than the sum of its parts. Whether you are training writers, inspiring new moms, encouraging women, or bringing an important message to a large audience, you want that perfect someone to inspire your group. And right this minute, you're wondering how can I find a speaker who can deliver that? Let me help you:

Ask Great Questions:

Great planning goes a long way toward ensuring a successful event. You'll find lots of tips on these pages. But more importantly, you want a speaker who matches your audience's expectations. Here are some questions you should ask when considering a speaker:

My hope is that this website will help you find the perfect speaker for your event. Of course, I'd love to be your first choice! I bring 30 years teaching experience, deep compassion, laugh-out-loud humor, years of wisdom, lots of life experience, and twenty years of writing/publishing to every event. With more than 35 years of marriage, (yes, to the same man!) and four adult children, I've been through lots of life. A born communicator, (not every author is, you know) I'm determined to see old things in new ways, to cut through entrenched thought patterns in order to bring a fresh perspective. I'd love to help your group move on to new heights. Let me help you create the event of your dreams.



Gracious words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul ...healing to the bones. (Prov. 16)