bette nordberg

One Hour Topics For Writers:

The Path to Publishing

Not every writer wants to publish; but those who do must understand some of the critical rules in order to be taken seriously in the writing industry.

Writing the Strong Devotional

Nearly every writer eventually must produce a devotional, if only for the weekly meeting of your writer’s group. It’s not hard to write a powerful devotional, and I’ll show you how.

Plotting and research

People often say, “I’d love to write. I just can’t think of a good story.” The stories are all around us, let me show you how your research can plot your story for heer!

Writing the Powerful Prompter

A sermon prompter is nothing more than a short dramatic sketch that answers the question, “Why do I need to know what the pastor is going to teach me today?” They aren’t hard to write—I’ve written more than 150— using my own tricks and techniques. Make your church service something to remember.

A Book in 30 Minutes

Nearly every writer must be a part-time writer. In this hour session, you’ll discover how to turn your own thirty minute writing time into a full length book!

Turning issues into Inspiration

The Seattle Times dubbed Bette Nordberg a leading writer of issue-driven fiction. Find out how she earned that title in this one hour session.

-Five Commitments That Will Change Your Writing Forever

Most Christian writers think they can become a better writer by gaining better skills, selling more, getting an agent. But these five simple commitments will make your writing better in ways you’ve never dreamed possible.

-Making Words Sing

Designed for writers who have no desire to publish, this topic focuses on making every word we write the best writing we can do. With these simple tools, your journal writing, Christmas letters and newsletters can really shine!

-Elements of Story

By understanding the four critical elements of story, writers find the world constantly feeding their creative compost pile. Learn how you can become a story magnet in your own little world!






Gracious words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul ...healing to the bones. (Prov. 16)